Impact Report
United States to Private Market Place Impact Report
My priorities for this technology would be:
Personal Profile
- Personal Profile to start to capture all the value that the United States Citizens deserve in the technology landscape.
The introduction of robust authorization mechanisms will eliminate reliance on private marketplace SSO systems, such as “Login with Google” or “Login with Microsoft.” It will also simplify the cumbersome login processes. A new system would be provided between the operating system and personal profile by the Social Security Service will enable one-step authentication across devices, enhancing both security and user convenience.
Apple & Google
Apple, Microsoft and Google would have two just add a couple of pieces of software to their system which includes:
- OAuth process to social security office for keys and to setup a personal-profile that would integrate into their native authentication system.
- An authenticator application that would come up when the personal provider requested a login.
Application Zones
- Application Zones to replace the QR Code as a national security threat and open an entire new application eco-system driving standards out of the FCC. This opens up an entirely new application eco-system that we are just starting to grasp.
Application Zones will enable localized network applications and services. For example, users in a specific town, state or country could simply press a button to select a Dining application in their area instead of global services like Yelp.
This shift will impact global business services such as Yelp, pushing them to adapt by integrating with local businesses and tailoring their applications to specific regions. Companies will likely pivot to selling their solutions to cities and regional app stores, altering their customer base and business models.
Real-Time Electronic Check
- Real Time Electronic Check $0 cost transactions for United Statess on a real-time network federal reserve network.
This initiative will disrupt traditional payment services, which have become commodities and often burdensome. Payment service providers are encouraged to innovate by developing applications within the new Application Zones ecosystem. By focusing on value-added services and generating revenue through application fees, these organizations can thrive in this evolving marketplace, and as a mater of fact lets prioritize these organizations in doing just that.
United States Internet
USA Internet will have a private United States domain system with revokable domain system, ID verification, and content moderation.
There is no impact on the Internet at this time as all services that want to operate on this can simply have an an United States Business and create a domain. All domains on the would wide internet will have their domain locked in, all others can register.