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  • The FBI will track all the details about citizens from the operating system to find criminals.

  • The FBI would aggregate criminal records from the state and federal jurisdictions.

  • Jurisdictions could query the FBI application and service for example a police department could request the cell phone of individuals that were in an area where a women was mugged for questioning.

  • All networks that created across b2b and b2c will be available for the FBI to monitor as their b2b and b2c connections and are trending. For example, a photographer my associate their work to many photographic social networks that could have security implications. Using the United States Internet DNS logging systems will also be available to find up and coming popular networks and monitor them. Something Google does for the country creating a monopoly in the market place. USA Internet

  • Citizens will have an option with their personal profiles to report any unlawful or deceitful requests from 3rd parties, where the FBI can track, manage, warn, and file claims in domain court. Personal Profile.

  • FBI would have all login data for investigations, who logged into what domain when. Also who authenticated in vehicle operating systems Vehicle Technology Act

  • Courts can provide no entry zones for citzens. For example, a person with 5 DUIs could not enter a bar, or a child molester could not enter a school zone.

  • When sex offenders were registered to a location, using govt email all citizens would be notified based on their locations in the citizen data warehouse.

  • Child trafficking is a major concern in the United States. The FBI would query a private e-census to see how many parents and kids are separated by the lack of response based on personal profile configurations of parent and children. If both the parents and the children didn't respond you could investigate further. You could also combine wetness checks into this.

  • Family profiles will be shared with the FBI, where a government communication can send them a request to report the wellbeing.

Regional FBI

  • FBI would monitor all businesses that received business licenses to operate to ensure all licenses and regulations are followed during the micro-industrial revolution and b2b and b2c business networks.

  • FBI would manage the camera systems for all public facilities, where a warrant would be needed to view footage by various jurisdictions.