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When setting up your personal profile you will select a communication provider, when selected you will login to their service. Once signed up, with this communication provider you can setup a number of lines where a communication provider id and line number is setup in your personal profile.

You can provide these public communication provider Ids to anyone to make a call via QR Code, Touch BlueTooth or e-mail. All OSs must accept the communication provider id header to add these Ids to the a personal profile. An example number would look like this:

ATT:9495371738 or MCI:bvfo4041sdd3

All communication providers must bridge calls to each other using a standard API between to communicate. A friendly name can be provided for each line setup.

Making a call

When making a call to any line, you can set to be private or public. This can be done on a per call basis, or set in a setting.

The destination communication provider is connected where it will ring for voice calls.

All communication services must provide group calling.

Receiving calls

When receiving a communication, if the call is public your avatar, personal profile URL, name will be provided where the receiving party can request more information. A one time token will be passed with the call to request information.

The profile URL will allow the receiving caller to request information as long as the one time passcode is sent.


Each line shared publicly in the federal white pages.

National Security Agency

AI, or agents will connect to all communication providers, and multi-plex providers to listen for communications that would be a security risk.

With a warrant other jurisdictions can request communications with a list of provider ids and line ids along with a date range.

Current Carriers

All current carries will all have first mover advantage in the network provisioning as a developer and will release with the product where other providers can use the open standards.