Grant System
The current grant system provides funding exclusively at the federal level, meaning grant needs and priorities are determined solely by federal guidelines.
The proposed grant system would empower federal, state and local municipalities with greater autonomy to identify their specific needs and offer a simple, streamlined way to provide funding and most importantly accountability to the public.
All grants would be voted on by their municipality to continue and to receive funding based on their parent jurisdiction allocations.
All grant organizations will have comparison ledgers if they share commonalities with other organizations. For example. Put out 400 fires with x,y,z. At a cost/per-fire rate. I'm not a financial expert, but you must make sure these organizations stay in financial bounds, because voting for free money in not acceptable.
I would like to ponder the question, if people are voting for these organizations to serve the public, they are indeed government organizations. That conflicts with our tax base and their organizations.
One might consider winding government offices down and start pulling off taxes and transition government agencies to organizations that are monitored and funded directly by the public.
If we started self funding and closing government organizations citzens would have to be aware of inflation or deflation repercussions as best possible.
We will call these cooperative government agencies and will have .cga domain name.
The grant system will receive an allocation from congress each year. Of that grant money, the congress will reserve funds for their own grants at the federal level based on grant categories and lump sum allocations to each state.
Congress could provide emergency funding to municipalities where the platform would be used handle emergency projects for FEMA for impacted areas.
The state system will have grant money available for their constituents by categories, and allocate percentages yearly to various cities.
State citzens can
The county system will have grant money available for the public by categories
The city system will have grant money available for the public by categories
Grant Processing
Grants are provided by federal, state and local municipalities to their constituents.
Grants can be created by the governing body of these municipalities, but also the public can submit recommendations where they can be voted by the community using their for recommended issuance.
When upstream municipalities are doing their allocations they can evaluate the backlog of grant requests to improve budget allocations.
Grants with reoccurring costs will be voted on each year where the grant recipients need to keep the public updated with the progress of their grant money and projects.
Organization that use grant money property's are the right of the government, and can be re-allocated.
Here are a few grants I would propose in the technology sphere:
Lost & Found. A federal grant for a lost and found system. an organization that provides locations for people that need a ride and licensed drivers on the United States Internet who wants to give them.
Application to manage animal populations. a data store for all weather data. data store for all air quality data.
Home automation grant grant will create standards to let devices in homes communicate with home automation services on the Internet. would manage the entire process adopting babies.
Drone Registry will allow jurisdictions to find owners of drones.
Medical-testing grant objective will be to lower the cost of medical testing for citzens while reducing the need for insurance.
Pharmaceutical grants objective will be to lower the costs of pharmaceutical manufacturing, distribution and retail.
Notary the notary service would allow licensed e-sign companies the ability to sign documents, and place them in the personal profile where a government seal would be placed around them with the peoples signatures whenever they are viewed on operating systems.
QR Code Standards Provide standard frames around QR Codes so users know their intended use.
Street Lights API Street Lights API.
System to System Standards System to system standards.
UPC Database UPC Standards database
[Water-Temperature-Agency] current provides this roll, but none of the pages are operational.
IP Touch BlueTooth IP over bluetooth
Jury Service Jury Service would provide jury functions for various approved services who need it.
Governmental Electronic Signs Electronic Signature Agency would provide
Drone Registry A registry of drone operators, and a database of their locations.
Device Protection Agency Setting standards for device functionality to ensure the publics safety.
Analog Bike Registry A registry for analog bikes.
AI Debate The management of AI Debates to evaluate AI models as they come out.
Survey Services Allows the market place to verify surveys
The micro-industrial revolution would call on corporate United States to usher in a new production capacity to develop products and services in local areas with smaller production processes and better environmental controls. This would be coupled with a standardized robust API system to allow these small areas of production, services and consumers to communicate. Today our supply chain(s) are far to long and costly in environmental, and to difficult to protect with ongoing wars.
Water Information Data Warehouse The water information data warehouse would aggregate all water details from all jurisdictions in the country.